Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hilton Head Island
A spectacular day at the beach !

Our friends - Lynne & Phyllis - were able to fly down from Rhode Island to spend part of the week with us and a great time was had by all !

This was one of the truly most spectacular days at the beach !

The dolphins were really putting on a show - even jumping out of the water ! It was absolutely breathtaking to watch ! ! ! !

Unfortunately, I'm not a good enough photographer to capture any of the dolphins, but I was able to snap this shot of Sally, Lynne & Phyllis enjoying their time at the beach . . .

Here's the Beach Club at Shipyard Plantation . . .

You were warned about my photography skills ! Here are Sally, Lynne & Phyllis hamming it up on a bench at the Beach Club, but you can't even see them . . . oh well ! At least you can see how gorgeous the weather was on the island !

Sally snapped this breathtaking sunset on the beach . . .