Monday, December 29, 2008

Hilton Head Island
Yes, that's an alligator !

We saw alligators every day, so Sally had to hop out of the van and snap this quick photo of one sunning near one of the greens on the golf course !

Even though the house was just beautiful when we arrived, Sally was able to transform it into an even more wonderful, festive atmosphere with decorations she brought from home !

Here is a sample of how gorgeous the dining room was daily . . .

It goes without saying, the Maestro was in heaven in his well-appointed kitchen, complete with marble countertops ! Who knows why Sally took this photo by turning the camera, but I have no clue how to rotate it on this blog so what you see is what you get. (help, Richie !)

Sally noshing in the spacious, beautiful living room after a "hard" day at the beach !

The enormous Master Bedroom had an equally enormous Master Bathroom !