Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina . . . 12.28.8 - 1.4.9
Out with the old, in with the new !

It was bright sunshine and 86 degrees when we arrived for our week on Hilton Head Island (HHI) this afternoon !

We'll enjoy the waning days of 2008 and then ring in the wonderful New Year . . . 2009 !

Later Sunday evening - after we unloaded the van & got moved in - Michael took a few photos of our beautiful, 3-bedroom "cottage" in Shipyard Plantation.

Here it is from the front.

And another angle from the front . . .

. . . the deck off the living room and dining room

. . . the pool & spa is in the back yard !

Hope the rest of the week is as beautiful as today was !